A Letter to the Mamas

A letter to you, mama

I see you. I see you up late at night after the dishes and laundry are done, wondering if now is the right time to do motherhood or family photos, and closing your Instagram and Facebook, vowing that someday, you will do portraits. You grace in the mirror and remember that you wanted to lose ten pounds, and where did all those grey hairs come from? You sigh and promise that eventually, the time will be right.

I want to express something that’s been on my mind, something that as a photographer, I believe is of great importance. Now is the time, mom. The photos, the beautiful snapshots of your life, your memories, and your family? It’s time to get in the photos, just the way you are. First, please know that you are truly beautiful the way you are, and your presence in the life of your family or your children is a special gift. You are warm, loving, and your laughter is what makes your family so special. It’s not about perfection or importance, but about giving your children a tangible memory that includes you.

For many of us moms, we are not the same size we were when we got married or even early on in our motherhood. Maybe your weight has fluctuated up or down, and either one can create insecurities about the way we look. Please hear me when I say that those perceived flaws do not matter to the people who love you. The “imperfections” make you uniquely you, and they are part of what makes you unique. Embrace the smile likes, a few grey hairs, and yes, even a few pounds, because they are a testament to a life well-lived. They represent Friday night pizza nights or the inside jokes that make you belly laugh. Those are the things your children will remember.

Another reason that so many clients put off photos is because their children are little. Since I’m still in the season of little ones, I understand how hard it can be to wrangle infants and toddlers (and get them into coordinated outfits!), but time has a way of slipping through our fingers. Our kids are growing faster than we can believe. Yes, family photos can be a but of work for the primary parent (we see the mental load!), but they also can be a beautiful tradition and memory that can bring your family closer together. Children do well with routines, and using the same photographer or doing family photos each year can help familiarize them with the idea!

Mama, I encourage you to step in front of the camera with confidence and love, because it's your presence that completes your family photos. Remember, these pictures are a legacy for your children and their children, a testament to the love and happiness you've shared. I want you to see yourself as the beautiful, strong, wild, amazing person I see, and it’s why I love what I do! Your presence in those pictures will be a gift that keeps on giving, a timeless reminder of your love and importance. I promise.

